Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello and welcome everybody to the VCS Panthers Perspective Podcast.
I am one of the executive producers, CEO and founder of how can I, Darnell Bentley, join with my fellow executive producer, Jennifer Brown.
[00:00:32] Speaker B: Hello. Hello. Happy to be here as a podcast instructor for.
[00:00:37] Speaker A: Yes. Thank you for. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you for joining our team.
[00:00:40] Speaker B: Yeah, of course.
[00:00:41] Speaker A: Ms. Jennifer Brown. Jennifer comes with many, many, many years of experience and celebrity experience, as the kids know, just a little bit work with a lot of different celebrities across the industry and the kids are really excited to work with you this semester. So I am, I am very humbled and grateful to have you on the team.
[00:00:58] Speaker B: I'm humble and grateful to be a part of this. This is definitely in alignment with what I need to be doing in terms of giving to children, serving children. So I am so happy you even have this organization.
[00:01:09] Speaker A: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now we just wanted to really talk to y'all for a quick minute. A quick minute because this is not really a podcast hosted by adults for the adults. You might hear those in and out on the podcast, but this is really student led initiative, student led podcast. So as our first episode of the VCS Paint this Perspective podcast, we have two different groups coming on the episode and explaining their thoughts and feelings about the upcoming elections from middle schoolers. And also, what was the second group about again?
[00:01:38] Speaker B: Second group is all about Halloween.
[00:01:39] Speaker A: All about Halloween. Now, I'm not really a big Halloween guy and I don't even think the kids were the biggest Halloween kids, but they really did want to talk about their favorite Halloween movies.
[00:01:47] Speaker B: They did.
[00:01:48] Speaker A: So in these first couple of months, you'll hear a lot of different random episodes, thoughts and ideas from the students. We got another one coming up next week about a science subject that we're really excited to produce. And we just really want to give the kids an opportunity to express themselves, get their ideas out there. They've already expressed the roles, the size of the podcast that they really want to be on. But for this first couple of months, you will hear all of their voices, all of their perspectives. And as we get to the next semester, you might hear different style of podcasting that, you know, they're a little bit more comfortable with. But right now, Jennifer and I really want to get the kids to get uncomfortable. Excuse me, get comfortable with being uncomfortable trying out new things. So despite the little hiccups that you may or may not hear, just keep in mind that our babies are learning, they're growing, and they're excited to bring the show to you.
[00:02:33] Speaker B: Yes, we're all about growing here. So let's. Let's get to it. Let's see how they started.
[00:02:39] Speaker A: Let's see it. Without further ado, let's take it away. The first group from the VCS Panthers Perspective pod.
[00:02:48] Speaker C: Welcome to VSC Panthers Perspective.
[00:02:52] Speaker D: My name is Kiana.
[00:02:54] Speaker E: My name is Michelle.
[00:02:56] Speaker C: My name is Jiaya.
[00:02:57] Speaker D: And we're going to be talking about h. The movies of Halloween.
[00:03:02] Speaker C: Halloween ends and Scream 2 and Terrifier too.
[00:03:10] Speaker D: I'm gonna. We're gonna start on Halloween Ends first.
[00:03:13] Speaker C: The movie Halloween Ends is a movie where Michael Myers go around on Halloween kill people, try to kill his sister and kill. He's like a crazy person. He takes his. He takes his anger out on random people. He kills them.
And his main target was his sister. But he wasn't able to kill his sister because his sister was older than him, outsmarted him and she ready. Was prepared to kill him and she ended up burning him because he fought like. Fought for one of her traps. He went to kill her, but she wasn't down there. And she trapped him down there and burnt him.
[00:04:00] Speaker D: How. How did you like the movie?
[00:04:03] Speaker C: It was amazing.
[00:04:05] Speaker D: Was it scary? Did you have nightmares?
[00:04:07] Speaker C: No.
[00:04:08] Speaker D: Oh, I would have had nightmares. Next we're gonna be at you. Next we're gonna be talking about Scream 2.
[00:04:15] Speaker E: Scream 2 is like a Halloween movie. So Scream calls this girl and she answers the phone and the person that's on the phone asks him if.
If you. If they would like to play a game. And it.
It's yes or no. And some people will say yes. And then he will want the people to play a game and then he will be waiting in the front door.
[00:04:55] Speaker C: Was it scary? Was it scary? Was it scary?
[00:05:01] Speaker D: It wasn't that scary.
I did have nightmares, though.
[00:05:05] Speaker C: Wasn't it a comedy?
[00:05:06] Speaker E: I didn't.
[00:05:07] Speaker C: Wasn't it like a comedy at the same time?
[00:05:10] Speaker D: No. When I watch scary movies is not funny. Not at all.
[00:05:13] Speaker C: What type of nightmare you had?
[00:05:15] Speaker D: The type of nightmare I had is like, where.
Well, it was like.
It was like.
Like where I found like when I was over here walking down the street and when I was. When I was walking, it was.
When I was walking, all I see is somebody in black and his face holding a knife right in front of me that I'm looking and then out of nowhere, Freddy Cucka pops up.
Do you have any more questions about this movie Scream too?
[00:06:01] Speaker C: No, I have. I have a question.
[00:06:03] Speaker E: Okay.
[00:06:03] Speaker C: Does this make you want to stop watching scary movies?
[00:06:06] Speaker E: No, I like scary movies.
[00:06:09] Speaker D: I do too. I don't stop watching it.
[00:06:11] Speaker E: But you said that you had nightmares.
[00:06:15] Speaker D: My nightmares don't faze me.
[00:06:17] Speaker C: So every time you watch a scary movie, you have a nightmare?
[00:06:20] Speaker D: Well, well, maybe, maybe not. Every time I do, she be waking up sweating. I love scary movies. And when school scary movies make me think. Well, when I, like, go to sleep and have nightmares in it, it relates to, like, family.
[00:06:37] Speaker E: Like, every time, like, I watch a scary movie, I feel like I'm gonna have nightmares. And next thing you know, I don't have nightmares.
[00:06:43] Speaker D: And then when I watch a scary movie and then all the lights turn off, I just get so completely scary. Like, the dark people inside the light. I mean, inside the dark that you peed the bed. I don't pee the bed. Next one is terrifying to terrify.
Terrifying 2 is the best movie ever. It's like when.
When like he was Walk. Like, he. It was a girl and her brother, and she was where she was really her brother. She had a dream about a kid eating, like, it was. Like, it was cereal, but inside the box, it was like, bees, glass and stuff. And then like always, all she see is some girl playing a guitar. And then when terrifying terrifyer shows up inside the truck.
And then he gives people, like, candy. And then after the candy, he lights them up on fire and starts shooting their face off.
[00:07:59] Speaker C: Oh, no.
[00:08:00] Speaker D: And then after that, she terrifier captured her brother and stuff, and she got her brother back, but she took. She faced a long way to get her brother back. She got hit with forks and knives, and she got.
She got hit with like. She got thrown behind a church behind a church chair.
[00:08:24] Speaker C: And then did you have a dream about it?
[00:08:27] Speaker D: Oh, not that one. That one was.
[00:08:30] Speaker E: Did you get scared when you saw the girl get thrown by the church?
[00:08:36] Speaker D: No, See, that was actually funny. And then.
[00:08:39] Speaker C: All right, next person.
[00:08:40] Speaker D: And then after that, then it was like the part where she thought she. She thought it was her mother, but it was terrifier. And then when terror terrified her brother shot terrifiers late.
And then after that, they were.
[00:08:58] Speaker C: They both.
[00:08:59] Speaker D: They both survived, but he got. She got her. Her thing cut open in this movie.
[00:09:06] Speaker E: Did you get any nightmares?
[00:09:09] Speaker D: No.
[00:09:09] Speaker C: She said no already.
[00:09:11] Speaker D: Thank you for listening.
[00:09:12] Speaker E: For listening to the scene.
[00:09:18] Speaker F: What's up? What's up? What's up? It's your boy, Goody Gold on the mic.
[00:09:23] Speaker G: It's your girl Madison.
Today we're here.
[00:09:27] Speaker F: Wait, we're here with Elise and Halimatsu.
[00:09:33] Speaker H: My name is Kelsey. Okay.
[00:09:38] Speaker G: Today we're like, today. Today we're gonna talk about election day. Here's the question. Donald Trump or Camilla Harris?
[00:09:51] Speaker I: Camilla Harris.
[00:09:53] Speaker G: All right. Why?
[00:09:55] Speaker I: Because I don't like Donald Trump.
[00:09:57] Speaker G: Oh. Why?
[00:09:59] Speaker I: I don't know.
[00:10:01] Speaker F: Sorry, can I say something?
[00:10:03] Speaker I: Like, my dad said that he's old enough to be a president.
[00:10:09] Speaker F: I really don't think Trump should vote. Should vote again. I mean, the guy almost got assassinated a couple of times, so I don't think that he should vote again because the bullet went straight past him and killed somebody else.
[00:10:23] Speaker I: Yeah.
[00:10:26] Speaker F: I. I don't think he shouldn't vote. He. I don't know. I don't think he should run for president again.
[00:10:31] Speaker G: All right, L.C. do you have something to say?
[00:10:34] Speaker H: The reason why I don't like Donald Trump is because he is a convicted felon and they're letting him vote. Like, that makes no sense.
[00:10:43] Speaker G: So you pick what you saw. You pick Camilla Harris.
[00:10:47] Speaker H: I don't really pick both of them because Camilla Harris, she don't really be answering the questions that they ask.
[00:10:54] Speaker G: Give, like an example. I don't know.
[00:10:56] Speaker H: No, I don't.
[00:10:57] Speaker F: So.
[00:10:59] Speaker G: So, like, what's the craziest thing you've heard about, like, these two people?
[00:11:05] Speaker H: Donald Trump?
[00:11:06] Speaker G: Yeah, any one. And one of them.
[00:11:08] Speaker H: The craziest thing I heard about Donald Trump, that he used to touch on girls.
[00:11:14] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, that's.
[00:11:16] Speaker G: That's halamatu.
[00:11:20] Speaker I: Like, I don't know about Donald Trump. Like, this year is gonna be my first year in the United States. So, like, how he was saying. I hear him, like, saying that the alien people, they're eating the dogs and cats.
And then, like, he said that, like, when he. When he gonna be the president, he's gonna, like, take all of most of the aliens to get back to their country because he doesn't, like too much like, aliens. So they didn't like him. Like, maybe he was lying about people eating dogs and cats, because who can eat dogs and cats in the world?
[00:12:09] Speaker F: Yum, yum.
[00:12:10] Speaker H: That's.
[00:12:14] Speaker F: How does that make you feel about America, about what Donald Trump do to little girls?
[00:12:20] Speaker I: It makes me feel bad because, like, why he touching little girls? He's an old man.
[00:12:27] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:12:28] Speaker G: L.C. you got some.
[00:12:29] Speaker F: Shouldn't do that. Yeah, don't vote for Donald Trump, people.
[00:12:33] Speaker G: LC like, what you got to say about, like, America and stuff like that?
[00:12:36] Speaker H: America sucks.
[00:12:37] Speaker G: Because why do you, like, why do you hate America?
[00:12:40] Speaker H: Because there's too much gun violence and that. And then. And some people, they don't listen to people because they don't listen to ideas.
[00:12:50] Speaker G: And I think if like, there wasn't, like, gun violence and a lot of, like, bad people around in America. America would have been, like, better, like, right now, but for right now, like, there's a lot of, like, stuff happening between Donald Trump assassin and the. The Donald Trump assassin people.
[00:13:11] Speaker F: Government.
[00:13:11] Speaker G: Yeah, the government and the election and Joe Biden getting out the election and stuff like that. And there's a lot of, like, more things that could happen, but you never know, and stuff like that.
[00:13:25] Speaker H: I have a question for you guys. How would this affect you?
[00:13:29] Speaker G: It will affect me in the future by, like, if Donald Trump even gets president, he can change a lot of stuff and stuff like that, just like he did before when he was president.
[00:13:43] Speaker I: I agree.
[00:13:45] Speaker F: So, guys, who are you going to vote for this year?
[00:13:47] Speaker G: Yeah, are you going to vote for, like, Donald Trump?
[00:13:52] Speaker I: I'm like, I still a kid. Like, my dad said he going to vote to Camilla Kim because, like, Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not good to him. He doesn't like Donald Trump because he's old. Like, he's saying that Joe Biden is old. Like, he's forgetting stuff. So. And Donald Trump doesn't, like, he's trying to get. He's trying to push Joe Biden out of the light.
The scene.
[00:14:18] Speaker G: This. Yeah, the election.
[00:14:20] Speaker I: Election. Yeah. And then, like, my dad's going to be. My dad's going to be voting for Kamala.
[00:14:26] Speaker G: I mean, from what I heard.
From what I heard was that, like, Donald Trump only, like, picked the people that was, like, billionaires and stuff like that and treated the billionaires like he's his kind of people, like, good and stuff like that. But other people in, like, America, like, regular people and stuff like that. He, like, didn't do anything. He made, like, bad stuff for them. Like, he made, like, some of their lives, like, a little harder than it was before.
[00:14:57] Speaker A: Yo, what are some of the things that are important to y'all, if y'all could vote?
[00:15:03] Speaker I: I probably.
[00:15:04] Speaker F: I probably want to vote for the right person who could change the world and make the world a better place.
[00:15:08] Speaker G: I would pick Camilla because she. Either way, if, like, she's not, like, a good person, but Donald Trump is worse than her worst.
[00:15:17] Speaker I: Yo.
[00:15:17] Speaker G: Yeah, worse than him. So it would be. It would be, like.
It would be like, I would pick Camila. She can. She had, like, they answered a lot of questions. She gave. Gave, like, a little good, like, statements and stuff like that. So I would have picked Camila to vote for president because she could probably, like, make good things for people that are not billionaires. Like, like them and stuff like that.
[00:15:45] Speaker I: Yeah.
[00:15:47] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:15:48] Speaker G: All righty. We gotta wrap it up, y'all.
[00:15:51] Speaker F: All right. Peace out.
[00:15:52] Speaker G: Yeah, peace out, y'all.
[00:16:23] Speaker F: Don't.
[00:16:26] Speaker A: Don'T.